My road to transformation had started many years ago when I consciously and intuitively  followed my path quite often against the expectations and the demand of my closest family or the society in general.

I ended up traveling a lot,  living in seven countries while raising my children. Those experiences were quite often hard and challenging. I had to overcome many limitations and insecurities. But at the end those learnings have shaped my personality, opened my eyes for the meaning of our existence and put me early enough on the road of my spiritual journey and growth.

Ten years ago I moved to Finland to the beautiful Åland archipelago. This beautiful part of Finland offered me and my children the much needed peaceful and safe life close to nature. I took this opportunity to take time for myself, to heal, come back to myself, live in the now.

I had so many questions about who was I as a woman in our society. What was my true identity? How could I continue from there being a single mom and in a completely new environment?

Luckily, I connected with great coaches and mentors. It was transformational, healing, inspirational and uplifting. A year and a half later I was ready to move on with my life with a better knowledge of myself and the others and very inspired about my future.

Soon after moving to Helsinki, I managed to find my place in a vibrant international social circle. I have met my second husband and together we managed to build a loving relationship of  trust, mutual understanding and common goals.

I continued on my way to self development and learning. Eventually, some single ladies from my social circle started to approach me for advice mainly about relationships. I found myself coaching them by asking the right questions and offering them different techniques through which they managed to find many answers within themselves.

Those experiences inspired me to seek further knowledge and education so I have completed an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology, I got certified as a Transformational Coach and Allow Your Success Coach with the Transformation Academy. I completed a certification course in Hypnosis with Dr Karen E Wells and I am currently completing a certification in NLP and Hypnosis with the Mike Mandel Academy. My journey continues with love and inspiration to help people heal, achieve, transform and thrive in their personal and professional life.



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